
Friday September 16th, 2022

(Italiano) Politica per la Qualità

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.

Sunday April 2nd, 2017

Verona, S. Maria della Scala Church

  From the “everlasting construction site” to the “recurring restoration”. The project for the conservation of the outer facades of the church of S. Maria della Scala in Verona. Essential results to define the intent strategies were: the discovery that part of the facade lining is a liner which hides and incorporates the former structures rather than a […]

Tuesday March 14th, 2017

“Chancellor’s Palace – Preparatory researches and studies for the restoration work.”

Building of Renaissance style among the best known and studied; it was built in the first decade of the sixteenth century for the Cardinal Riario, Camerlengo nephew of Papa Sisto V. Recently concluded, in 1513 it was already taken over by Pope Leo X and destined to the Offices of the Apostolic Chancellor. The need to […]

Saturday November 19th, 2016

Ottavio Celestino – MEN ART WORK

MEN ART WORK Men and archaelogical sites for the new museums of contemporary art in Italy Within the book by Ottavio Celestino some images of restorers on the Adriatic site in September 2007. www.ottaviocelestino.com

Saturday November 19th, 2016

The recent restoration of the Adrianeo and the facade of the Chamber of Commerce – Reflections on ancient restorations and on the 19th century interventions

SCIENCE AND CULTURAL HERITAGE XXIV, 2008 “Restaurare i Restauri” Acts of the study conference Bressanone 25 – 27 June 2008

Friday October 21st, 2016

Vincenzo Rusciano “Sponda”

Vincenzo Rusciano SPONDA Curated by Angela Tecce and Alberto Zanchetta Church of Sant’Aniello in Caponapoli – NAPLES 16 october – 15 novemer 2014 Closed for many years, struck by the bombings of 1943, abandoned by its devouts, damaged by the earthquake of 1980, the church of Sant’Aniello in Caponapoli has known a long history of degradation…